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Study Time by Language

Description Minutes spent % of total
2014-08-04 70 (1h10) 26.42%
2014-08-05 45 (0h45) 16.98%
2014-08-06 10 (0h10) 3.77%
2014-08-14 90 (1h30) 33.96%
2014-08-15 15 (0h15) 5.66%
2014-08-18 35 (0h35) 13.21%

Log Entries

Date Language Description
2014-08-18 French 35min of grammar, reading
2014-08-15 French 15min of grammar
2014-08-14 French 90min of conversation
2014-08-06 French 10min of videowithST, lesparents, bestshow, thankgodforsubtitles
2014-08-05 French 45min of grammer, gender
2014-08-04 French 60min of reading, writing
2014-08-04 French 10min of videowithST