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Study Time by Language

Description Minutes spent % of total
other language 1200 (20h0) 87.59%
target language 170 (2h50) 12.41%

Log Entries

Date Language Description
2011-11-15 Esperanto 40min of
2011-11-15 Dutch 160min of class, reading, lang8
2011-11-14 Dutch 150min of class, reading
2011-11-14 Esperanto 20min of lernu
2011-11-12 Dutch 620min of
2011-11-12 Esperanto 60min of
2011-11-11 Esperanto 60min of
2011-11-09 Esperanto 90min of
2011-11-03 Spanish 5min of
2011-11-03 Spanish 66min of
2011-11-02 Spanish 40min of
2011-11-02 Spanish 26min of
2011-11-01 Spanish 18min of
2011-11-01 Spanish 15min of