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Study Time by Language

Description Minutes spent % of total
2024-02-01 163 (2h43) 3.81%
2024-02-02 114 (1h54) 2.66%
2024-02-03 70 (1h10) 1.64%
2024-02-04 205 (3h25) 4.79%
2024-02-05 75 (1h15) 1.75%
2024-02-06 165 (2h45) 3.86%
2024-02-07 135 (2h15) 3.16%
2024-02-08 130 (2h10) 3.04%
2024-02-09 130 (2h10) 3.04%
2024-02-10 110 (1h50) 2.57%
2024-02-11 100 (1h40) 2.34%
2024-02-12 90 (1h30) 2.1%
2024-02-13 170 (2h50) 3.97%
2024-02-14 130 (2h10) 3.04%
2024-02-15 40 (0h40) 0.94%
2024-02-16 175 (2h55) 4.09%
2024-02-17 130 (2h10) 3.04%
2024-02-18 55 (0h55) 1.29%
2024-02-19 190 (3h10) 4.44%
2024-02-21 80 (1h20) 1.87%
2024-02-22 215 (3h35) 5.03%
2024-02-24 65 (1h5) 1.52%
2024-02-25 115 (1h55) 2.69%
2024-02-26 106 (1h46) 2.48%
2024-02-27 130 (2h10) 3.04%
2024-02-28 135 (2h15) 3.16%
2024-02-29 125 (2h5) 2.92%
2024-03-01 85 (1h25) 1.99%
2024-03-02 60 (1h0) 1.4%
2024-03-03 90 (1h30) 2.1%
2024-03-04 50 (0h50) 1.17%
2024-03-05 40 (0h40) 0.94%
2024-03-06 95 (1h35) 2.22%
2024-03-07 115 (1h55) 2.69%
2024-03-08 95 (1h35) 2.22%
2024-03-09 40 (0h40) 0.94%
2024-03-10 30 (0h30) 0.7%
2024-03-11 115 (1h55) 2.69%
2024-03-12 60 (1h0) 1.4%
2024-03-13 55 (0h55) 1.29%

Log Entries

Date Language Description
2024-03-13 Hindi 20min of Assimil, Listening
Reviews of the past couple of lessons.
2024-03-13 German 35min of Assimil, Listening
Audio reviews this morning.
2024-03-12 German 25min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked through lesson 53
2024-03-12 German 35min of Assimil, Listening
Audio reviews and previews.
2024-03-11 German 35min of Assimil, Shadowing
Shadowing mid lessons
2024-03-11 German 20min of
Reviews of lessons 45-53
2024-03-11 Hindi 30min of Assimil, Listening
audio reviews
2024-03-11 Hindi 30min of Assimil, Textbook
Finished lesson 45
2024-03-10 Hindi 30min of Assimil, Textbook
Work on lesson 45.
2024-03-09 Hindi 40min of Assimil, Listening
audio reviews
2024-03-08 Hindi 35min of Assimil, Listening
audio reviews
2024-03-08 Hindi 25min of Assimil, Textbook
Started on lesson 45.
2024-03-08 German 35min of Assimil, Shadowing
Shadowing early to mid lessons.
2024-03-07 Hindi 35min of Assimil, Listening
2024-03-07 German 15min of Assimil, Listening
Preview work on lesson 53
2024-03-07 Hindi 25min of Assimil, Textbook
Finished lesson 44.
2024-03-07 German 40min of Assimil, Listening
2024-03-06 German 40min of Assimil, Shadowing
2024-03-06 Hindi 20min of Assimil, Textbook
More work on lesson 44
2024-03-06 Hindi 35min of Assimil, Listening
2024-03-05 German 40min of Assimil, Shadowing
Shadowing middle lessons.
2024-03-04 German 15min of Assimil, Listening
Audio prep for the lesson tonight, but I didn't get around to the lesson.
2024-03-04 German 35min of Assimil, Listening
Reviews of recent lessons, plus tonight's lesson.
2024-03-03 Hindi 25min of Assimil, Textbook
Work on lesson 43.
2024-03-03 German 25min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked through lesson 52.
2024-03-03 German 20min of Assimil, Listening
Audio reviews of recent lessons.
2024-03-03 Hindi 20min of Assimil, Listening
Audio reviews before textbook time.
2024-03-02 German 20min of Assimil, Listening
Audio reviews.
2024-03-02 German 20min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked through lesson 51.
2024-03-02 Hindi 20min of Assimil, Textbook
Finished lesson 42 this morning.
2024-03-01 Hindi 20min of Assimil, Listening
Reviews of recent lessons in between working through the review chapter (still in progress)
2024-03-01 Hindi 25min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked on lesson 42 (revision lesson). Lots here.
2024-03-01 Hindi 40min of Assimil, Listening
Reviews of recent lessons and previews of the next lesson (43).
2024-02-29 German 35min of Assimil, Shadowing
Reviews of early lessons this morning.
2024-02-29 Hindi 25min of Assimil, Textbook
Completed lesson 41.
2024-02-29 Hindi 30min of Assimil, Listening
Audio reviews.
2024-02-29 German 35min of Assimil, Shadowing
Audio work this morning.
2024-02-28 Hindi 40min of Assimil, Listening
Reviews of recent lessons, and previews of this evening's lesson.
2024-02-28 Hindi 35min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked on lesson 41.
2024-02-28 German 25min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked through lesson 50.
2024-02-28 German 35min of Assimil, Shadowing
Shadowing lessons this morning.
2024-02-27 German 35min of Assimil, Shadowing
Shadowing early and recent lessons this morning.
2024-02-27 Hindi 60min of Assimil, Listening
Audio reviews
2024-02-27 Hindi 35min of Assimil, Textbook
Completed lesson 40.
2024-02-26 Hindi 26min of Assimil, Textbook
Work on lesson 40.
2024-02-26 German 25min of
Worked through lesson 49 (review lesson)
2024-02-26 Hindi 20min of Assimil, Listening
Audio reviews of lesson 40.
2024-02-26 Hindi 35min of Assimil, Listening
2024-02-25 German 35min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked through lesson 38.
2024-02-25 German 35min of Assimil, Shadowing
2024-02-25 German 15min of Assimil, Listening
Audio reviews
2024-02-25 Hindi 30min of Assimil, Textbook
Completed lesson 39.
2024-02-24 German 20min of Assimil, Listening
2024-02-24 Hindi 25min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked on lesson 39
2024-02-24 Hindi 20min of Assimil, Listening
Prep listening for lesson 39.
2024-02-22 German 90min of Listening, Assimil
Audio reviews of recently completed lessons
2024-02-22 Hindi 25min of Assimil, Textbook
Completed lesson 38.
2024-02-22 Hindi 40min of Assimil, Listening
More audio reviews, this time of older lessons.
2024-02-22 Hindi 60min of Listening, Assimil
Audio reviews of recently completed lessons
2024-02-21 German 25min of Assimil, Listening
2024-02-21 German 25min of Assimil, Textbook
Lesson 47
2024-02-21 Hindi 30min of Assimil, Listening
Audio reviews
2024-02-19 Hindi 30min of Assimil, Textbook
Completed lesson 37.
2024-02-19 Hindi 30min of Assimil, Textbook
Started work on lesson 38
2024-02-19 German 20min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked through lesson 46
2024-02-19 Hindi 25min of Assimil, Listening
Audio reviews
2024-02-19 German 35min of Assimil, Shadowing
2024-02-19 Hindi 50min of Assimil, Shadowing
2024-02-18 Hindi 30min of Assimil, Textbook
Started working on lesson 37.
2024-02-18 German 25min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked through lesson 45
2024-02-17 Hindi 30min of Assimil, Textbook
Work on lesson 36.
2024-02-17 Hindi 20min of Assimil, Listening
Audio work on lesson 36.
2024-02-17 German 20min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked through lesson 44
2024-02-17 Hindi 30min of Assimil, Listening
2024-02-17 Hindi 30min of Assimil, Textbook
Completed lesson 36.
2024-02-16 German 40min of Assimil, Shadowing
Shadowing early German chapters this morning.
2024-02-16 German 60min of Assimil, Listening
2024-02-16 Hindi 25min of
Lesson 35 (revision)
2024-02-16 Hindi 40min of Assimil, Shadowing
Shadowing early Hindi chapters this afternoon.
2024-02-16 German 10min of Memrise, cases
2024-02-15 German 40min of Assimil, Shadowing
Shadowing recent lessons.
2024-02-14 German 30min of Memrise, cases
Working on a different (better) deck on Memrise.
2024-02-14 Hindi 45min of Assimil, Shadowing
Shadowing early to mid lessons
2024-02-14 German 20min of Grammar, cases
Read an article about the nominative case on German with Laura. Different to how I've seen it explained before. I plan to read her other case articles. https://germanwithlaura.com/nominative-case/
2024-02-14 German 35min of Assimil, Shadowing
Audio reviews with shadowing.
2024-02-13 German 30min of Memrise, cases
More work on the cases deck. Then I realised the deck wasn't really that good, but I found another one which suited me better and I've started on that one.
2024-02-13 German 20min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked through lesson 43.
2024-02-13 German 20min of Assimil, Listening
Audio reviews
2024-02-13 Hindi 20min of Assimil, Textbook
Completed lesson 34 (for now, at least!)
2024-02-13 Hindi 40min of Assimil, Shadowing
Audio reviews with shadowing.
2024-02-13 German 40min of Assimil, Shadowing
Shadowing up to current chapter, previewing the next.
2024-02-12 Hindi 30min of Assimil, Textbook
More work on lesson 34.
2024-02-12 German 25min of Assimil, Textbook
Lesson 42
2024-02-12 Hindi 35min of Assimil, Shadowing
Shadowing early lessons
2024-02-11 Hindi 30min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked through the text and notes of lesson 34. Review then exercises are for tomorrow.
2024-02-11 German 30min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked through lesson 41.
2024-02-11 German 20min of Memrise, cases
Worked on the cases deck in Memrise.
2024-02-11 German 20min of Assimil, Listening
Audio reviews this afternoon.
2024-02-10 German 30min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked through lesson 40.
2024-02-10 Hindi 40min of Assimil, Listening
Audio reviews this afternoon and evening.
2024-02-10 Hindi 40min of Assimil, Textbook
Completed lesson 33.
2024-02-09 German 40min of Assimil, Listening
Audio reviews.
2024-02-09 German 25min of Memrise, cases
I found a Memrise deck which is supposed to be about cases, which is my bugbear in German, so I've started work on that.
2024-02-09 Hindi 25min of Assimil, Textbook
Started work on lesson 33.
2024-02-09 Hindi 40min of Assimil, Listening
Audio reviews, including previews of tonight's lesson (33)
2024-02-08 German 35min of Assimil, Listening
Reviews of past lessons, preview of tonight's lesson.
2024-02-08 German 20min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked through lesson 39.
2024-02-08 German 25min of Assimil, Listening
More audio reviews. Prepping for lesson 39 later.
2024-02-08 Hindi 15min of Assimil, Textbook
Finished lesson 32 (well enough for the time being, anyway).
2024-02-08 Hindi 35min of Assimil, Listening
Audio reviews.
2024-02-07 Hindi 35min of Assimil, Shadowing
2024-02-07 German 25min of Assimil, Textbook
Lesson 36 (I think it was 36)
2024-02-07 Hindi 20min of Assimil, Textbook
More work on lesson 32.
2024-02-07 Hindi 30min of Duolingo
Did some lessons during some down time. Duo is fun in small doses.
2024-02-07 German 25min of Assimil, Textbook
Lesson 35 last night
2024-02-06 German 35min of Assimil, Shadowing
Shadowing lessons 12-36, then some repeats of 36 for review and some repeats of 37 in prep for working on it this evening.
2024-02-06 Hindi 30min of Assimil, Textbook
Started work on lesson 32. I think I'll spend 3 days on this lesson rather than 2. Some tricky structures and more new vocab than usual.
2024-02-06 Hindi 35min of Assimil, Shadowing
Shadowing lessons 1 to around 12 or so.
2024-02-06 German 30min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked through lesson 36
2024-02-06 Hindi 35min of Assimil, Textbook
Completed lesson 31
2024-02-05 German 35min of Assimil, Shadowing
Shadowing lessons 1-23
2024-02-05 Hindi 40min of Assimil, Shadowing
Shadowing lessons 1-16
2024-02-04 Hindi 90min of Assimil, Listening
Audio review of lessons 1-31. Several repeats of lesson 31 (today's lesson).
2024-02-04 Hindi 30min of Assimil, Textbook
Completed lesson 31. Relatives and correlatives are tricky, but I'm moving on for now.
2024-02-04 Hindi 35min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked on lesson 31.
2024-02-04 German 50min of Assimil, Listening
Audio review of lessons 1-34
2024-02-03 Hindi 15min of Assimil, Listening
Reviews of chapter 30
2024-02-03 German 25min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked through lesson 34.
2024-02-03 Hindi 15min of Assimil, Textbook
Completed lesson 30.
2024-02-03 German 15min of Assimil, Shadowing
Shadowed lessons 20-29
2024-02-02 Hindi 35min of Assimil, Shadowing
Shadowing Assimil lessons 13-29
2024-02-02 German 25min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked on Assimil German lesson 33.
2024-02-02 Hindi 30min of Assimil, Textbook
Worked on chapter 30. About halfway through it (the chapters in Assimil Hindi are about twice as long as in Assimil German).
2024-02-02 Hindi 24min of Assimil, Shadowing
Shadowed Hindi lessons 1-12 this morning. These are the ones I can
2024-02-01 German 20min of Duolingo
Did a few lessons for the first time in several years.
2024-02-01 German 15min of Assimil, Textbook
Completed lesson 32.
2024-02-01 German 15min of Assimil, Listening
Audio review of past chapters up to lesson 33, with some shadowing.
2024-02-01 Hindi 40min of Listening, Assimil
Review of Assimil Hindi audio (with attempts at shadowing) from lessons 17-29.
2024-02-01 Hindi 30min of Assimil, Textbook
I'd already read the notes for this chapter. Today I reviewed the audio for lesson 29, then worked on the exercises, and finally read the dialogues and practice out loud while listening to the audio.
2024-02-01 Hindi 43min of Shadowing
Shadowing Assimil Hindi lessons 1-16